Home Christian Living Who is Like You My Father the Monk!

Who is Like You My Father the Monk!

Who is Like You My Father the Monk! - St Shenouda Monastery Pimonakhos Articles

My father, who is like you…Who has offered himself to the Lord?!

Who is like you, who has placed his life in the hands of the Lord and sang “My soul is in your hands always”?!

Who is like you, who carried the name of a saint who persevered and walked the righteous path before you…you followed his example and protected your senses?!

Who is like you, who listened to the word of God…and loved it with all your heart…and held onto it to become a house of obedience…through poverty you became rich…and battled for a life of virginity and purity…patience became the decoration of your soul?!…

Who is like you, who left everything to be joined with the One?!…you attached yourself to Jesus and embraced him with your thoughts…and hide in the One who is hidden from all?!

Who is like you, who sits on top of the world, because he desires nothing but God alone, just like what Saint Augustine said?!

Who is like you, the sky became your cover and the earth your bed. Jesus is the paradise of your soul, he put his left hand beneath your head and his right embraces you?!

You stuck with the Lord, your appearance became marvellous and scented with the pleasant smell of Christ…and they ask “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved…perfumed with myrrh and frankincense” (Song of Solomon 3:6, 8:5)

They stare at the peace glowing from you…and say: “Truly, you have heeded the Lord’s commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea” (Isaiah 48:18)

Who is like you, who sleep with the name of the Holy God on your lips?!…The devil escapes you and cannot dwell within you, just like what the spiritual elder said…

Who is like you, who listened to the saying of his teacher Saint Anthony…you lifted your hands before death made them frail…you kindle your heart with the tears of your eyes?!

Who is like you, who filled his heart and mind with God…who is occupied with the commandments of the Lord and his promises?!

Who is like you, who with a broken spirit and a broken and humble heart offered the sacrifice that God would not despise?!

Who is like you, whose heart is as clear as water, with an imprint of the image of God?!

By: H.G Kyrillos of Milan